Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bucket List Y'all!

OK, so do you ever get this overwhelming feeling that there is sooo much you want to do in your day, week, year, and even life, but there is just simply never enough time?  Join the club.  That is a constant feeling of mine, and I pray to God that this feeling never goes away.  I mean, what the heck am I going to do with the rest of my life, if I have seen and done it all at the age of 22 (I guess I could do a lot of Netflix watching?).  With that being said, I am going to create the ever so cliche "Bucket List".  I really don't mind being a little cliche anyway.  I have decided to start small. While I am thinking of all the things I want to do on my life long list, I have created a list for the next year.  Most of this check list is not "life altering" in any way, but just some fun things I have never done.  I would LOVE any and all suggestions. If you're feeling spontaneous, or just like a good friend join in on the action!

SB's Bucket List:
1.) Tailgate and sit through an entire Mocs Football game.  2.) Actually attend a Mocs Basketball game.  3.) See a sunset at "Sunset Rock".  4.) "See Rock City", Ruby Falls, etc. (the whole shabang).  5.) Go on an official date (it's time to get back on that saddle).  6.) Take Chloe to the dog park.  7.) Decorate my house for Christmas.  8.) Get my first "big girl" job.  9.) Make another video with LW.  10.) Hit 1,000 tweets.  11.) Graduate from college.  12.)  Get accepted into graduate school.  13.) Make all A's my last semester of college.  14.) Go to a purebarre class.  15.) Become a Chi Omega Alumna.  16.) Plan my trip to Europe.  17.) Chattanooga Ducks Tour, Ghost Tour, etc.  18.) Host a dinner party.  19.) TBA

 Well, I still have some things to add, but this is it for now. Peace, Love, and Keep Rollin On.

1 comment:

  1. I would love, love, love to see a sunset at Sunset Rock with you... Does that sound like I'm asking you on a date? I promise I'll keep my paws to myself! ;)
